Meet Our Attorneys
We will endeavor to match the best attorney in our firm to your specific situation.
Areas Of Practice
Subject matter expertise is critical. We have extensive experience in each of these areas.
As our society becomes increasingly regulated, whether on the federal, state, or local level, individuals and businesses increasingly have situations where they may need to consult with legal counsel. Relationships between lawyers and clients oftentimes are caricatured in cartoons, jokes, television shows and even in the news. For a person who has never hired an attorney, it is important to provide a framework of understanding that clarifies the process. Learn More >
Do I have to have a lawyer?
In confronting your legal situation, you have the right to represent yourself. Increasingly, with the availability of on-line statutes, self-help kits and preprinted materials, you may feel that you have adequate resources to handle a matter without the necessity of obtaining counsel. You might be right. However, before deciding to represent yourself, you should recognize that lawyers have been specifically trained to analyze the resources that may be available to you. Lawyers have used these materials in the past and can appreciate the nuances involved in a way that the novice would not be able to do. On-line resources may not be tailored to Wisconsin or may be outdated. Our firm has access to the most up-to-date and jurisdiction-specific materials available.
Between the hardware store and the internet, anyone could probably get the tools, the materials, and the knowledge to build a brick house. But would you want to live in a brick house built by your lawyer?
Can any lawyer handle my matter?
All of the lawyers of Hopp Neumann Humke are licensed to practice law in the State of Wisconsin. They are all entitled to draft deeds, appear in court and to prepare a will. However, at our firm, we have attempted to focus our legal skills among the six main practice areas described elsewhere. We want to maximize our talents and provide you with the best product available.
One of the benefits of working with a larger firm such as Hopp Neumann Humke is that we will endeavor to match the best attorney in our firm to your specific situation. You should feel confident that whoever handles your matter will be able to draw upon the resources of the entire firm, while providing you with personalized attention.
What should I expect during my first visit with my lawyer?
At the initial conference, you should offer to the lawyer your fullest explanation of your situation. You should bring any documents or other materials that help you tell your story. You should provide information with complete candor and without slanting the facts. We will in turn attempt to evaluate the matter and offer our suggestions in the approach to take. We will try to offer information which outlines the consequences of various potential outcomes. We will try to estimate success in the event that litigation is involved. We will attempt to calculate and estimate the costs and fees and we will work with you to establish a fee agreement. If you conclude that you will not be retaining us, any information that you have provided to us in the course of the interview will remain confidential.
What about fees?
It is unethical for a lawyer to charge excessive fees. For most matters our fees are based on our established hourly rate. If we anticipate that the legal fees will exceed $1,000 or if we handle your matter on a contingent fee basis, we will prepare a written fee agreement (sometimes called an engagement letter) for you to sign. It will detail how much we are going to charge, how billings will be handled, what costs will be passed on to you, and what we should be expecting of each other.
Virtually all of your questions should be addressed in the fee agreement and you will be asked to sign it before we engage in any substantial work on your behalf.
Our Location
2124 Kohler Memorial Dr. Suite 310 Sheboygan, WI 53081
Tel: 920.457.8400 Fax: 920.457.8411
Our History
Founded In Plymouth
When Charles Maynard opened the doors of his law office in 1885, he probably did not expect that he was starting the law firm that still continues today as Hopp Neumann Humke LLP.
Charles Maynard brings on Attorney Henry Detling as Partner.
Herbert Humke begins practice.
Alex Hopp joins the firm and becomes the first Corporation Counsel Attorney for Sheboygan County, holding that position for 40 years.
Attorney Herbert C. Humke II joins the firm.
Attorney Michael J. Bauer joins the firm.
Attorney Roland Neumann joins the firm.
Attorneys J. Phil Mueller and Herbert C. Humke III join the firm.
Attorney Carl Buesing joins the firm and is appointed Corporation Counsel Attorney for Sheboygan County.
The Neumann, Humke, Moir, Mueller & Bohrofen firm merges with the Hopp, Powell, Bauer, Donahue & Buesing firm, and is rebranded as Hopp Neumann Humke, LLP, located at the U.S Bank building. Attorney Paul A. Dirkse joins firm.
Attorney Crystal H. Fieber joins the firm.
The firm moves to its current address of 2124 Kohler Memorial Drive, Sheboygan, WI.
Attorney Crystal H. Fieber is named Top Young Professional by Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce.
Hopp Neumann Humke wins “Best Attorney” Category in the Best of Sheboygan County Contest.
Attorney Oliver M. Bauer joins the firm.
Attorney Crystal H. Fieber is appointed as Corporation Counsel Attorney for Sheboygan County.
Attorney Kelly Del Ponte joins the firm.
Hopp Neumann Humke wins “Best Law Firm” category in the Best of Sheboygan County Contest.
Hopp Neumann Humke wins “Best Law Firm” category in the Best of Sheboygan County Contest.
Every Person Who Walks Through Our Door Is Important To Us.
We Love Our Community.
Our firm and attorneys are supporters of the greater Sheboygan County community. Our attorneys frequently volunteer their time to various community organizations.
Perennially Recognized As The Best Of Sheboygan County.